Reached the limit of phone numbers error


I had an error that says I've reached the limit of phone numbers even though I have no phone numbers claimed yet in my Amazon Connect instances in any region. Please help!

asked a year ago736 views
2 Answers

Hi there!

Please file a service quota increase for phone numbers on your instance using the AWS Management Console. AWS Support can assist in raising service limits.

Happy building!

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • This is the way. Generally within 24 hours you should be good to go.


Hi there,

Thank for your support! In Request quota increase form, only [Change quota value] field I can change, but currently my Phone numbers per instance is 5 so I don't want to be increase more than 5. Although it's saying that my currently my Phone numbers per instance is 5 but I have no phone numbers claimed yet in my Amazon Connect instances in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 region. In addtion, Applied quota value is [Not available] which might be the reason why I've reached the limit of phone numbers even though I have no phone numbers claimed yet. If so pleate tell me how I can make the Applied quota value being available.

Best regards.

answered a year ago
  • Hi there, I'd still move forward with submitting the quota request. Simply note your desired number of phone numbers and AWS Support will be able to assist in raising your limits. They will let you know if any additional information is needed to complete your request.

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