Confusion regarding termination of Active resources


Will I be charged for the ""untagged" resources related to EC2 , after I have terminated the EC2 instance and made sure that there is no Elastic IP attached to it?

I have checked the resource tab on my dashboard, there is one default VPC security group present which I cannot delete. Apart from that there is no EC2 instance and Elastic IP or any other resources. However, when I searched in the AWS Resource group page to confirm if I have any active resources, I found out 157 resources (service name EC2) with type either SecurityGroup or subnet or VPC or RouteTable or NetworkAcl. I have followed the guidelines, in this page:[]. Please, guide me so that I don't have to bear any unnecessary charges.


asked 4 months ago172 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


There are no charges for SecurityGroups, subnets, VPCs, RouteTables, or NetworkACLs.
Could you please check your invoice and see exactly which resource line items you are being charged for?
A common problem with EC2 billing is that EBS volumes or snapshots remain.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thank you for sharing the image. If there are no snapshots left, you will not be charged. Therefore, since there are no resources that would incur costs, I think there is no need to take any action.


Hello, Thanks. I have checked for EBS volumes and snapshots in all available regions. There is none. I have checked the billing section. Under "Charges by Services" tab, there is one item, EBS of Elastic Compute Cloud. The amount is zero. The image is attached. Charges by Service

The invoice contain zero records. I am coming at the end of free trial. Invoice

Thanks again!

answered 4 months ago

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