My EC2 instance is configured with Outbound rules. How can I configure it to communicate with "codeployed"?


Codedeploy Server

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CodeDeploy acent was ot able to reeive the lfecycle event-Check the (odeDeploy aent logs on your host and make sure the agent is rumin and can omnect to the CodeDeploy sever


codedeploy-agent.log ERROR [codedeploy-agent(140244)]: InstanceAgent::Plugins::CodeDeployPlugin::CommandPoller: Network error: #<Seahorse::Client::NetworkingError: execution expired>

asked 8 months ago203 views
1 Answer


This error could be a result of different factors but the most common reasons are: a) the CodeDeploy agent is not installed on the instance b) the EC2 instance role does not have the proper permissions. I'll link the proper documentation to check if these are configured correctly.

Here's some documentation on how to install and verify that the CodeDeploy agent is installed on your instance.

And here's the documentation on showing how the EC2 instance profile should be configured so that it can communicate with the CodeDeploy agent.

I hope this helps and please give any updates or more information so that I may help further!

Thanks, Mark Torres

answered 8 months ago

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