Got error `Missing value for required parameter: AWSEBDBPassword` while trying to decouple the RDS database from an Elastic Beanstalk environment


I'm trying to decouple the RDS database from an Elastic Beanstalk environment. I've tried using both the web console and the eb cli by modifying the database connection setting under the environment configuration and toggling the HasCoupledDatabase option under the aws:rds:dbinstance namespace using eb config cmd.

Both gave me the error Missing value for required parameter: AWSEBDBPassword.

Tried to lookup the documentation regarding this parameter but couldn't find useful information. Only found the DBPassword option under the aws:rds:dbinstance. Tried setting that option while toggling the HasCoupledDatabase option. However, getting the same error.

asked 2 years ago287 views
1 Answer

Hi Robert,

I'm experiencing the same issue. Did you happen to find a solution for this?

Thank you!

answered 2 years ago
  • Not really. We ended up tearing down the entire environment and building a new one.

  • Thank you for getting back to me, Robert! For some reason I missed your response earlier.

    How did you overcome the issue by tearing down the entire environment and creating a new one? You didn't have to decouple the database for the new environment?

    How did you migrate the database from the old environment to the new one?

    Thank you for any help and pointers, much appreciated!

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