copy the contents of a Sagemaker notebook instance to an S3 bucket from AWS CLI


How to copy the contents of a Sagemaker notebook instance to an S3 bucket from AWS CLI, before deleting the instance ? Please suggest !


asked a year ago2590 views
1 Answer

The following article can give you an idea about it

Your steps are

Create a Snapshot

aws sagemaker stop-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name <your-notebook-instance-name>

Stop Notebook instance

aws sagemaker describe-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name <your-notebook-instance-name>

Create a SageMaker Notebook Instance lifecycle configuration script that copies the contents of the instance to an S3 bucket

set -e
aws s3 sync /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/ s3://<your-s3-bucket>/path/to/backup/

Create a SageMaker Notebook Instance Lifecycle Configuration

aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance-lifecycle-config --notebook-instance-lifecycle-config-name <your-lifecycle-config-name> --on-start Content=$(base64

Attach the config

aws sagemaker update-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name <your-notebook-instance-name> --lifecycle-config-name <your-lifecycle-config-name>

Start the notebook

aws sagemaker start-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name <your-notebook-instance-name>

profile picture
answered a year ago

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