Rate Limits and Statistics for LLama 3 8B on Bedrock


I want to understand the following benchmarks for LLama 3 8B on AWS Bedrock:

  1. Max concurrency for a single user/API
  2. Latency
  3. Tokens per second
  4. Rate limits, if any (number of requests per minute/day or number of tokens per minute/day) We have a use case where we plan to scale to 30 concurrent users, with good amount of token and request usage.
1 Answer

Hi. It's hard to give a precise answer because it depends on a lot of factors. Just to give you a few examples, latency can depend on the region where the model is deployed, the prompt itself, and so on. However, I'd suggest you use e benchmarking tooling that you can find on github. I'm proving the repo link:


The quotas can be found here:


profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago
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