cannot reach our server


We cannot reach one of our server this afternoon (Aug 4 14:45 EDT). From the server console, I do not see my incoming http or ssh package while I am trying to ssh or http from my home. My home IP is in the allowed inbound rules. And the server was working fine and other servers on the same zone are working fine. The only thing I did was flipped a route53 DNS pointed to this server and another server a few times early. Could you please take a look? And please let me know where should I look next time for similar problems. The server's instance is i-054c38221fd0c5adc

asked 10 months ago237 views
2 Answers

Sorry to hear you are having issue with the instance. This is better be handled by submitting a case where a support engineer will have proper tool to dive deeper to assist you. Also I would recommend to not expose any resource information such as Instance ID for security and privacy concern. If you haven't submitted a case in the past, below is the "how-to" instruction.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

If you changed the Route 53 record from the IP of the instance in question to another one and then back, then tried to connect to the first instance using the domain name and it didn’t work, it could be due to the time it takes to update your DNS information.

Route 53 uses TTL to define how long (in seconds) DNS recursive resolvers should cache information about the record. After changing a Route 53 record, you may need to wait before connecting to let the TTL expire, so that the DNS recursive resolvers will have to query Route 53 again to update their cache with the new IP to which you pointed the record.

answered 10 months ago

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