determine size of a dynamodb object


how to determine the size of a dynamo DB attribute or to know the record that is the largest in the table. Are there any JS AWS SDK libraries that are helpful for these ??

asked a month ago522 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can't get item size statistics directly from the table, but you can of course calculate item sizes while reading or writing using this package:

const CALC = require('ddb-calc')

const item = {
        "Id": {
            "N": "101"
        "Title": {
            "S": "Book 101 Title"
        "ISBN": {
            "S": "111-1111111111"
        "Authors": {
            "L": [
                    "S": "Author1"
        "Price": {
            "N": "2"
        "Dimensions": {
            "S": "8.5 x 11.0 x 0.5"
        "PageCount": {
            "N": "500"
        "InPublication": {
            "BOOL": true
        "ProductCategory": {
            "S": "Book"

const size =  CALC.CalculateSize(item);
    rcu: 1, 
    wcu: 1, 
    size: 137 
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answered a month ago
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reviewed 19 days ago

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