S3 Different Size in Storage Lens


Hello Community, I tried to reduce my billing but I noticed my Storage Lens is different as a tool Calculate Size on S3 Bucket is the versioning with an extra charge.

Thanks for your help!

asked a year ago305 views
1 Answer


Yes, it is normal to see a discrepancy between both reports.

According to the following Knowledge Center article, the Total storage metric in the S3 Storage Lens captures the total storage, including incomplete multipart uploads, object metadata, and delete markers. However, the Calculate total size action on the AWS Amazon S3 console captures only the total number of stored objects for the current or newest version, excluding multipart uploads, and previous or noncurrent versions.

As far as billing is concerned, normal Amazon S3 rates apply for every version of an object stored or requested. I recommend that you take a look at the FAQ page, where this same question is resolved, including a practical example.

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answered a year ago

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