Cannot delete network interface



I have a problem to delete network interface. I tried to create EKS cluster with Terraform. I created it successfully but cannot delete the cluster due to the network interface. All ec2 instances are deleted and remaining resources are cluster, vpc, subnet, routing table, security group and network interface. All resource are not deleted due to the network interface. When I tried to delete, it says "Network interface is currently in use and is of type "interface". I searched related info but they all suggested to delete attached instances. I looked at the network interface but couldn't see any attached instances.

Instance details Instance ID: - Allocation ID: - instance owner: (my account) device index: 1

Can someone help me find out the way to delete network interface or which one to check?



2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Do you know which resource the network interface was created from?
I think it's probably an ENI related to EKS, so try deleting EKS first.
Also, if ALB etc. were deployed together, I think there is a possibility that it is the ENI of ALB.

If you check the "Description" of the ENI, you may be able to determine which resource it was created from.

Review the Description to see which resources the network interface is attached to.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

wow thanks all. It works. (deleting EKS cluster!) I couldn't think about it. I thought I should delete all underlying resources before deleting the cluster. The answer is deleting the cluster first!

answered 2 months ago

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