Facing an issue during the AWS EC2 instance creation


Hi, We are facing an issue during the AWS EC2 instance creation. The attached file has the message. We don't understand, if we confirm changes then will it make a change in our existing EC2 instances or new EC2 instances? In the message asking for remove a "snap-08eceffc70f2c970d" and add a new snap where changing the volume type and security group is required. Please help us, will we do the changes? if change then what will be the process of risk mitigation factors? will the change impact to running services?

Thank you.

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asked a month ago99 views
2 Answers

The reason you might be getting this error message is that you chose while creating the EC2 Instance is different from the one from the AMI. Therefore the AWS Console is verifying if these changes are warranted.

These will not change previously created instances but only the instance/s you are about to create.

answered a month ago

will it make a change in our existing EC2 instances or new EC2 instances

new EC2 instances

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answered a month ago

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