Cannot create CodeCatalyst - Error at first try, then I always get "Alias unavailable"


I created a CodeCatalyst account. When setting the alias, I first got an error "Alias could not be created". After that I always get the error "Alias unavailable" regardless of what I enter, even random characters do not work. In the browsers developer tool window I can see that calls to receive the response below:

Updated to add: Could the reason be that the first error resulted in an incomplete alias creation that now prevents setting an alias

{ "errors": [ { "message": "conflict", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createUserDetails" ], "extensions": { "name": "ConflictException" }, "name": "ConflictException" } ], "data": { "createUserDetails": null } }

  • Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

  • I have the same thing, tried on two systems (Windows 11, Mac OS Sonoma) and three browsers (Chrome, Opera, Safari) - all with cache cleared. Please advise.

asked 7 months ago190 views
3 Answers

When I clear my cache, I get the error message again: An error occurred. We couldn't create the following alias: Ilackmann. Try again later.

answered 7 months ago

When the error above occurs, The call to returns

{ "errors": [ { "message": "An internal error has occurred while processing your request", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createUserDetails" ], "extensions": { "name": "InternalException" }, "name": "InternalException" } ], "data": { "createUserDetails": null } }

answered 7 months ago

Please try to start from a "completely" session by opening an incognito window and then start over at

Please activate the developer console and if you face and problems again export an "HAR" and drop it over so we can have a look.

Did you have your builder ID created before you started the signup process?

profile picture
answered 7 months ago

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