WorkSpace - Try to connect with RDP but NLA issue


Hi to all,

Since more than 2 years, I connect to my Win10 WorkSpace with RDP. But this morning I got an error with NLA issue (Network Level Authentification).

I search the internet but all the discussion i found talk about EC2... but i am confused about NC2.... because i have a WorkSpace... not EC2... and when I try to run the commands they suggest(, when I arrive to the point to select an instance... i have no liested instance...

Can someone please give me a hint... or a suggestion ?

Thanks so much

asked a year ago487 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

An AWS Workspace is just a Windows Server which is an EC2 which is hosted in an AWS owned account. Optionally with an EIP on your VPC. The same information in the link is applicable.

As well as checking the Windows Server local setting, I would check the RDP Group policy setting for NLA as this too can enforce/set the NLA setting on your workspace.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a month ago

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