AWS to restore file from Glacier deep archive


I need to find out how much it will cost to restore files from deep archive Glacier US-West region for 256GB..

asked 6 months ago223 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

It is not possible to do any form aggregation/compression during restore . The restoration is going to create copy of your actual object at S3 standard class in the same format as it was archived. Please note these temporary copies of the objects will be available for the number of days you specify in the restore requests, you can copy them or aggregate them in .zip if you want to preserve them for quicker access in future use outside the GDA.

Restoring 41053 objects / 256GB from us-west-1 will cost $10.25 in standard retrieval) / $2.02 in bulk retrieval.

Restoring 41053 objects / 256GB from us-west-2 will cost $9.23 in standard retrieval) / $1.67 in bulk retrieval. Enter image description here

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago


You can use AWS Calculator for this purposes. I created one for you, which describes two cases, depends on glacier type you have:

(I removed your current cost for storing, and it suppose that you have one file, as you didn't provide the number of files)

Standard Restore Request: ~$5.6

Instant Retrieval: ~$7.6

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answered 6 months ago

I have to retrieve 41,053 objects, how much would that cost? Also is it possible to download these files a zip file?

answered 6 months ago

Is there a free tool that will allow to restore files and folders without having to going each subfolder and initiate a restore?

answered 6 months ago

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