Re-IP VMs Created by AWS Application Migration Service



Hoping to get an idea on how to re-IP Windows Server VMs created by AWS MGN. These are VMs coming from on-prem vCenter → VPC. They need a new IP as the on-prem IP range does not exist in VPC. They also need a static IP and static DNS server entries, as they are servers and I don't want DHCP assigned IPs / DNS server addresses. I don't want the IPs to change if the instances stop and start, for instance. Any guidance much appreciated.


asked 10 months ago313 views
1 Answer

You can allocate and associate Elastic IP to the VM which is yours until you release it. Detail description and "how to" is in this link:

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • @AWS-User-alantam is this a good thing to do for private IPs that are only going to be used internally in a private subnet? I guess I always though of elastic IPs as for use in situations where you need a public IP.

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