[Bug report] Bug found on AWS Skill Builder


This is not a question bug a bug report, but I don't see anywhere where I can post a bug report.

All the pictures in the "Monitoring and troubleshooting" section of the following course are broken. https://explore.skillbuilder.aws/learn/course/99/play/74069/aws-lambda-foundations

asked 22 days ago118 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Content looks to be there when I access the course. Perhaps your session timed out or need to clear the cache of your browser?

Probably the best place to report the issue to get to the course authors is in the Course Feedback survey.

Hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered 22 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 21 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 21 days ago

The images are loading now, my session probably expired as you indicated.

answered 21 days ago

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