My Previously created Functions not Visible and getting UnknownError


Hi, I have created a 2 Lambda Functions for Thumbnail generation using NodeJS16 today when I have visited AWS console and see AWS Lambda -> Functions then nothing is there my 2 Functions gone. I didnt touch AWS. How can I see them and how can I restore them back? Please help me Rama

asked 4 months ago108 views
1 Answer

Lambda functional are regional. Try verifying the AWS region the lambda functions are created and switch to the respective region.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thank you Phani, I have tested all including which region I have created. Some months back I got Email from AWS asking to change password and Node16 support. Today when I logged in my functions done. I dont remeber whole process I have created. It will be help how to restore or solve my problem

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