MongoDB 3.2.11 migration to AWS DocumentDB


I want to migrate AWS EC2 MongoDB 3.2.11 to AWS DocumentDB. Is there any migration tools that we can use? especially since it's production environment, we want to have nearly zero downtime and can capture CDC. Already tried AWS DMS, but it doesn't support MongoDB 3.2.11.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


If you look at the document below, it says that 3.x is supported.
Please note that DMS 3.5.0 and later versions do not support MongoDB 3.6 and later versions.
So, I think you need to update the DMS version to a slightly older version.

MongoDB versions 3.x, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0
AWS DMS versions 3.5.0 and higher don't support MongoDB versions prior to 3.6.

Also, it is difficult to migrate the database without creating any downtime, so I think it is a good idea to set up a shutdown plan to some extent.
If DMS is not available, you will need to migrate using something like "mongodump".

If you are considering other methods, you may want to upgrade MongoDB or use a third-party tool.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 14 days ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • please see my posting comment below.

  • There is something called "amazon-documentdb-tools". It may be a good idea to use this to migrate only the index first, then write your own script to migrate the data little by little. In any case, it seems likely that a period of data suspension will be necessary.

  • Hi Riku,

    I used that tool before. Yes, it would take 8 hours to do mongodump + mongorestore for the DB last time I tried. don't think migrating via dumping db is a good choice.

    Maybe best choice for now is to upgrade MongoDB on EC2 first to version 3.6. any other good article that you have?


  • I see, if it does take that long, it might be faster to upgrade and then migrate using DMS etc.


Hi Riku,

Yes, it's already explained on the other posting that you just shared. DMS only support MongoDB 3.6 & above.


Any other recommendation for open source tool from your side, Riku?


answered 7 months ago

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