Regarding aws iot device sdk for Embedded c


Hi I am using This tutorial and in my case when we choose git checkout v3.1.5 Then library are changes and in this we are not getting mqtt for copleting steps 2 of above given link. For the v.3.1.5 aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-c/demos/mqtt/mqtt_demo_mutual_auth directory. This directory are not available

asked 10 months ago266 views
1 Answer

Hi Adarsh. Please don't use 3.1.5. The SDK was completely re-written and hence the stated demo is not available for that legacy version. Latest release tag is 202211.00.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • cd aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-c git checkout latest-release-tag

    you mean when we applied these command then in the place of 'latest-release-tag' we need to write 202211.00

    Please clear this

  • Yes that's right.

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