How to Increase quota on number of integrations in a HTTP API under AWS Apigateway service?


What if there is a need of say, around 600 integrations for a HTTP API in AWS Apigateway for a project to create activity logger where logs of request/response passing through the Apigateway is created as logstreams in AWS cloudwatch log group.

How to increase quota on a resource/operation which cannot be increased according to AWS developer guide Since the number of APIs involved in the project is higher than the preset quota limit by AWS Iam raising this question.

asked 5 months ago166 views
1 Answer


As doc says, this limit of 300 is a hard one: it cannot be increased.

But, there are ways to go around this limit. For example, you can use one or more Lambdas as integration points used to fan out the requests to 2nd-level invoked Lambdas (or any other request processor).

The choice of the 2nd level Lambda can be done via URI or params of the http GTW request as those values can be accessed by the entry Lambda

An interesting post about fan-out:



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answered 5 months ago

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