Disabling Microsoft Defender and Antimalware Service Exe on EC2 Micro


How do I either stop or disable the Microsoft Defender suite please? I appear not to have the permission level necessary to disable Defender and Antimalware Service from Task Manager ..getting a denied message. I need to disable, because the Antimalware exe causes a known published memory leak, and because I deploy Micro EC servers they require routine rebooting to refresh memory Thanks Richard

asked 4 months ago378 views
2 Answers

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answered 4 months ago


Try disabling Windows Defender from Group Policy Editor.
Open "gpedit.msc".
Then follow the groups in the following order.

Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus 

Under "Windows Defender Antivirus" there is an item called "Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus", so right-click and open Edit.

When it opens, select "Enabled" and click "Apply".

After clicking, try restarting Windows.

The above steps were confirmed on Windows Server 2019.
Please note that the steps may be different for Windows Server 2022.

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answered 4 months ago

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