AMI Creation of EC2 window server


Hi Team,

I have some issue when I launch the window server from AMI.

I have schedule to create AMI on daily basis but when I launch the server from AMI then password is not generated and showing the password is not available.

Could you please help me to what setting do I need to server?

Thanks, Anuj

asked a year ago277 views
1 Answer


I have some questions as well some guidance. Questions: is this a AWS Windows AMI or an AMI you have created?

Please see for the password not available error. One of the common issues is when using a self-backed AMI where the initial password was changed. All other instances from this AMI will not have a random password. Here you find another way to reset the password:

But from what I understand you ideally wants to be able to get a password on launch. What you could do is for example to set the password on launch through UserData one example script is (not tested use it at your own risk). Ideally on a large scale setup you would like this password to be random and stored safely for example in SSM or Secrets Manager.


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answered a year ago

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