Can't delete sagemaker domain nor user that I didn't create


It's incredible to me how hard is to delete sagemaker services. I had a huge and expensive problem many months ago and today out of nothing I get a notification that my sagemaker was updated and I open the console to find a sagemaker services was created out of nothing and I'm bleeding money. I'm very mad about this.

When I try to delete the domain it says it can't because there is an user profile, then I try to delete the user profile and it tells me "To delete a user, the user cannot contain any non-failed apps". Which I don't know what even means... I feel scammed.

asked 2 months ago252 views
3 Answers

I understand your frustration with the difficulty in deleting SageMaker services and the unexpected charges you're encountering. Let me provide you with some steps to help resolve this issue:

  1. SageMaker user profiles can have associated apps or notebooks running. You need to first stop or delete any running apps or notebooks associated with the user profile you want to delete.
  2. Once there are no running apps or notebooks associated with the user profile, you should be able to delete the user profile.
  3. After deleting the user profile, you should be able to delete the SageMaker Domain.

It's understandable to feel frustrated when dealing with unexpected charges. With a bit of patience and the right steps, you should be able to clean up the SageMaker resources and stop the unnecessary charges.

profile picture
answered 2 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago

Thanks for helping. But I checked the notebooks and every single item in the sidebar but I didn't found anything, no labeling, training job or anything running.Enter image description here

answered 2 months ago
  • Before deleting the Sagemaker Domain you must satisfy this requirements. In case you followed all the requirements and still are getting the error, try to use the CLI with a IAM user with enough privilages and try to delete it, you can use this guide for doing


Hi there,

Sorry to hear about the unexpected charge.

This document outlines the process on deleting a SageMaker domain:

The best way forward would be to reach out to our Support team, they can review the resources active on the account and assist you with terminating them.

— Reece W.

answered 2 months ago

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