Can't delete a DynamoDB table


6 hours ago I tried to delete a DynamoDB table. It hasn't completed.

And, since this time, I cannot create a new table....the new table creation never completes.

Logically, it's probably due to the first issue, a table that won't delete.

HELP please.


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asked 3 months ago196 views
1 Answer

Hello Peter good morning,

Thanks for your question. The error occured when trying to delete a DynamoDB table can be caused for different reasons. We need to deep dive on it. Some questions below:

a) Are you trying to delete using the AWS Console, AWS CLI, programmatically (e.g. using boto3)?

b) Is there any error message appearing to you?

c) If there are no error messages, could you try the below to find a error message?

  • Sign the AWS Console with a user that has permission to open the AWS CloudTrail (
  • After sign and access the AWS Console, find the service AWS CloudTrail
  • After access the AWS CloudTrail, navigate to the option "Event history" in the left pane
  • After access the option "Event history", apply some filters to find a specific event that occurred as below: a) Lookup attributes: select "Event Name" b) Fill the "Search Field" with the event "DeleteTable"

Enter image description here

If you find the "DeleteTable" event after search, click in the event to open the details. In case of any errors during the API call, the error message will be in the event details.

Let me know. Thank you!

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • a) Are you trying to delete using the AWS Console, AWS CLI, programmatically (e.g. using boto3)? AWS Console

    b) Is there any error message appearing to you? No, just get spinning circles

    I'll address c) in the morning....

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