MWAA CLI returns DeprecationWarning in every CLI call


Hi, After upgrading Airflow version in MWAA to 2.6.3, every call to Airflow CLI returns following sterror message: " /usr/local/airflow/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/airflow/ DeprecationWarning: The statsd_allow_list option in [metrics] has been renamed to metrics_allow_list - the old setting has been used, but please update your config. " Any idea what is wrong here? What config one shall change to get rid of it?

1 Answer

The warnings you see are emitted by airflow when using old names for configurations. Airflow will automatically rename them under the hood, and the configuration will be applied properly, so will not affect any environments adversely. MWAA sometimes falls out of sync with them in version releases as we go through the change logs between versions and might miss a renaming. However, there are incorporated addressing deprecation warnings in 2.6.3 as part of our 2.7.2 release, so the logs should be cleaner after that point.

answered 14 days ago

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