Error - "A problem occurred while loading your page: Rate exceeded"


Earlier today, we were locked out of all of our Elasticbeanstalk applications from the console. When we click on any one, we get "A problem occurred while loading your page: Rate exceeded". The issue seems to have been triggered by 2 environments that have spun up to 50 untagged spot instances although they are both configured to only run 6 or 9 at a time. They were both configured to use r5.xlarge spot instances which were unavailable in one of the AZ's.

The "solution" was a workaround --
We deleted "hung" EC2 instances manually (these all were spun up by the two environments)
Used EB CLI to rebuild the two environments
Used EB CLI to switch instance types (to non-spot)

However, we are still intermittently seeing the Error, "A problem occurred while loading your page: Rate exceeded" when trying to access any of our Elasticbeanstalk applications.

asked 5 years ago968 views
3 Answers

I have been seeing this message the past few days while attempting to access any of our EB applications via the console. The CLI has been working just fine, however.

answered 5 years ago

Message below was from AWS Support. They reverted a change made to the Beanstalk console to resolve this problem. However, they are unable to explain the spin up of many extra spot instances except to say that the problems with spot instances was not connected and that the use of spot instances in EB is not fully supported.

"Finally, I heard from the concerned service team. I'm happy to confirm that the Elastic Beanstalk team has identified and fixed the issue. The root cause of this issue is the following:

"On May 23, 2019 at 17:43 PST, a change was made to the Beanstalk console to enable customers to choose what version of NodeJS they wanted to use when upgrading or downgrading a NodeJS environment. When customers selected a NodeJS environment, a describeConfigurationOptions request was made for each NodeJS platform available to the customer. This call was made so that the console could determine what versions of NodeJS were available for each possible platform. Consequently, customers with a large number of available NodeJS platforms may have seen an error message on the console stating “Rate Exceeded”. This error was due to the console making too many describeConfigurationOptions calls to the Beanstalk service. The Beanstalk console was reverted to the previous build across all regions beginning on May 27, 2019 at 12:00:36 PST and completed on May 27, 2019 at 12:53:46 PST."

So, for now you shouldn't receive this message anymore, but please, if you keep experiencing this, let me know and I will be more than happy to follow up with this. Also, as explained above, this issue wasn't due to the spot instances which were launched by your Beanstalk environments.

Please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of AWS for any inconvenience that this may have caused to you."

answered 5 years ago

This was a bug in the AWS elasticbeanstalk console.

answered 5 years ago

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