Free services and their duration for a new startup


Can I please know as to what all services can a new startup avail for free? Can I get a rough estimate as to what all services AWS can provide for new startup and for how long for free?

2 Answers


There are a couple of things you can look into:

  • Activate program: . I helped a startup recently to apply for it. Essentially you have opportunity to get certain AWS Credits that you can use to substain your business. You can find more info in the link
  • Generally, AWS offers some free-tier prices by the time you create a new account. That page gives you an idea what it is and should apply to any customer.

Hope it helps!

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answered a year ago


Starting a new venture is equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking, isn't it? Speaking from my experience, I've been through the same maze of questions when I launched my own startup.

In terms of free services, there's good news! Many platforms offer freebies that can give your startup a boost. AWS, for instance, provides an AWS Free Tier that gives you a taste of various services like EC2, S3, and Lambda at no cost for the first 12 months. It's a great way to test the waters and get a feel for cloud services without diving into heavy expenses right away.

But here's the deal: while these free tiers are fantastic to get started, always remember that as your startup grows, your needs might outgrow the free offerings. My advice? Use the freebies to build and test your MVP (Minimum Viable Product), and once you see traction, be ready to invest in the resources you need.

answered 9 months ago

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