ACM SSL Certificate for custom domain validation timed out (not Route 53)


Hi, i have registered a domain with and requested an SSL certificate from ACM. I have chosen a DNS validation method, and added CNAME record as well as CAA record on my DNS provider webpage. Unfortunately, the certificate validation was not successful and timed out after 72 hours. What could have I done wrong?

asked a year ago353 views
1 Answer

Hi There

There could be a few reasons why this is happening including

  • The CNAME record isn’t added to the correct DNS configuration.
  • The CNAME record has additional characters or is missing characters.
  • The CNAME record added to the correct DNS configuration, but the DNS provider automatically adds the bare domain to the end of its DNS records.
  • A CNAME record and a TXT record exist for same domain name.

Please follow the steps in this troubleshooting guide:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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