Amazon SES bounce back email from an important italian ISP


When I try to send by Amazon Simple Service an email to an address hosted by one of the most important italian ISP with Virtual Deliverability Manager service enabled I receive a bounce "550 4.4.7 Message expired: unable to deliver in 840 minutes.<421 4.4.1 Failed to establish connection>"

asked a year ago340 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I think that I have found the solution. If I turn off "optimized shared delivery" option in virtual deliverability manager settings the emails are delivered immediately. Following these instructions

answered a year ago

There are several possible causes of bounces.
For example, if the destination server runs out of capacity, the processing capacity is reduced, and the message cannot be sent in time.
It may be rejected by the destination ISP.

If it is temporary, a resend after some time will solve the problem, but if the ISP is rejecting it, you will need to contact the ISP to confirm.

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for the response but the problem seems to be another because if I try to resend the same message with the Virtual Deliverability Manager disabled, it will be delivered immediately. Could the issue is the AWS tracking link? Virtual Deliverability Manager changes the link and adds a small image to track the opens.

  • I think that is a possibility. However, in that case, we will need to contact AWS support as we will not be able to resolve the issue on our own.

  • I think that I have found the solution. If I turn off "optimized shared delivery" option in virtual deliverability manager settings the emails are delivered immediately. Following these instructions


Thank you for the response but the problem seems to be another because if I try to resend the same message with the Virtual Deliverability Manager disabled, it will be delivered immediately. Could the issue is the AWS tracking link? Virtual Deliverability Manager changes the link and adds a small image to track the opens.

answered a year ago

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