AWS Workspaces Desktop Client - Disconnects after launching



A few things to identify this. This is a single-user/device issue in such that the following is true:

  • Can Access via the web client (Nothing wrong with the workspace)
  • Co-worker can access the problem workspace on their computer through the desktop client
  • Co-worker can access their workspace from the client device

I requested the advanced logs and identified the closing Line:

2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [WRN] Number of heads and actual window count is different. Requesting another topology (RequstCount: 2, MaxRetryCount: 2)
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Protocol new State: Connected
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [INF] Window Locations: displays Before Platform Adjustment Topology:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=991}, Primary:True, Rotation:Degree0
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [INF] Window Locations: displays Before Protocol Adjustment Topology:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=991}, Primary:True, Rotation:Degree0
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Shifting coordinates in X plane by 0 and Y plane by 0 to eliminate negative coordinates.
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Shifting coordinates for Topology:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=991}, Primary:True, Rotation:Degree0 new coordinates are X: 0, Y: 0
2024-03-27T13:31:56.993Z { Version: "" }: [INF] Window Locations: displays After Protocol Adjustment  Topology:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=991}, Primary:True, Rotation:Degree0
2024-03-27T13:31:57.020Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Protocol Streaming Status Changed to Unavailable
2024-03-27T13:31:57.181Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Protocol Streaming Status Changed to Setup
2024-03-27T13:31:57.181Z { Version: "" }: [DBG] Protocol new State: Resizing
2024-03-27T13:31:57.395Z { Version: "" }: [INF] Closing session, reason: WSPTopologyMismatch, details: Mismatched local and remote display layout.

That last line seems to be that there is a mismatch between the local and remote devices, but I am unsure how to proceed from here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

We have tried clearing the %localappdata%\Amazon Web Services\Amazon WorkSpaces folder entirely and the issue persisted.

  • I'm getting the same error. I inspected the WSP logs and found that the impacted client is receiving a strange display layout: (\.\DISPLAY1(primary), 0,0 1280x1024 96 dpi - \.\DISPLAY1(primary), 0,0 1280x1024 96 dpi - \.\DISPLAY1(primary), 0,0 1280x1024 96 dpi)

    It eventually hits the max number of layout requests and then disconnects.

asked 2 months ago466 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Ryan hope your doing well,

This is due to a known issue where if you change the display settings on the WorkSpace to Duplicate, it breaks connectivity to the WorkSpace. An example of ways this occurs is when you use PowerPoint on the WorkSpace and change presenter mode to duplicate.

The client team is working on longer term fixes. But, for now, to fix this issue please perform the below:

  1. RDP to the WorkSpace.
  2. Run PowerShell as Administrator.
  3. Run each of the commands below to clean-up the DCV display registry keys to fix it.
  4. Disconnect the RDP session.
  5. Connect again using the client.

Commands to run on Step 3:

Stop-Service -Name dcvserver -Force

Sleep 1

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration\DCV* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration\NOEDID* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Connectivity\DCV* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Connectivity\NOEDID* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors\DCV* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors\NOEDID* | Remove-Item -Force -Verbose -Recurse

Sleep 1

Start-Service -Name dcvserver

I believe these steps should help you resolve your issue.

Thank you!

H Singh
answered 2 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 months ago
  • I’m awaiting feedback from the original user experiencing this issue. However, I successfully applied this solution to a related problem where the system was stuck on a screen displaying, “Your workspace will be ready in a few seconds.” We've encountered this issue several times before, and typically, we've had to resolve it by performing a system rebuild, which isn't ideal. This approach offers a more practical alternative.

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