Amplify custom domain stuck on SSL configuration


When trying to setup a custom domain on AWS amplify, i cant get past the SSL Configuration step. Process just freezes there.

I have verified and reverified the CNAME record is entered correctly and can be found using

I have tried deleting and re-entering the custom domain.

We place the CNAME record immediately so i dont believe we are running into an issue of AWS verification not being able to find it in the first 60 minutes.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

  • The issue lays with mismatch between NS Records. You can follow these steps:

    • Go to the Route53 Console in your AWS account.
    • Look for the hosted zone that corresponds to your domain. You might find it under 'Hosted zones'.
    • Once you're in the hosted zone, you will find a record set with a type of NS. This NS record will have 4 values. Those are the nameservers that you should use for your domain.
    • Go to the 'Registered domains' section, select your domain and click on 'Add or edit nameservers'.
    • Replace the existing nameservers with the ones you found in the hosted zone. Wait for a while for the DNS propagation - but not too long. Usually takes at most 2 hours!
asked 4 years ago4101 views
7 Answers

I was having this same issue, and it turned out that my NS records listed under "Hosted zones" didn't match those under "Registered domains." All this is on the Route 53 dashboard. So I updated the ones under "Registered domains" and now everything is working.

answered 4 years ago

I'm having this same issue I believe (just posted about it on here).

Did you ever figure out a solution?

answered 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I've double checked everything is correct on my domain records, and it's been stuck in the SSL configuration stage for over 24 hours. Any ideas on what to try differently?

answered 4 years ago

Experiencing this too...It's been more than 48 hours. I tried removing app, redeploying and then adding my custom domain again. CNAME is propagating so not sure what to do at this's been a while.

answered 4 years ago

I don't have nothing under Registered domains nor in the Hosted zones, because I have never done any configuration there. It's not required for Amplify to work. I keep having the same problem. Has anyone solved it? Thank you.

Edited by: MartinAristizabal on Dec 15, 2020 6:19 PM

answered 3 years ago

I solved it!. The thing is that there is a specific configuration for Godaddy in my case, that differ from the ones by default in the instructions. I followed the "Troubleshooting guide" in the Custom Domain configuration and now my domain is working OK. Other cases could be similar to these.

answered 3 years ago

I also stuck to the same problem. In my case for NameCheap what needs to be done instead of "Configure a CNAME to point to the AWS validation server" as in trouble shoot was to specify nameservers in my AWS account(Route 53) in NameCheap configuration. after the configuration is done, as fast as within 10mins, the domain is activated in Amplify console.
DNS config is always a pain in the ass as it's always stated that "it might take up to 24 hours" or so on.
Hope this might help someone who ends up here!

Edited by: RouterKiez on Sep 7, 2021 11:01 AM

answered 3 years ago

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