How to check how much traffic my website can handle?


My Website is hosted in S3 bucket & I am using CloudFront and I have 1 default hosted zone. We have a launch coming up and we are expecting huge traffic on our site.. how to ensure the website will handle the traffic.. Also, does the hosted zone help to increase the website load speed? If so, how to increase number of hosted zone?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Let us break the problem statement into 3 parts. 1. S3 2. CF and hosted Zone 3. Website Traffic & performance. For #1 - a) Amazon S3 doesn't have any limits for the number of connections made to your bucket. If possible make separate buckets for different pages so that concurrent request to these buckets with optimal performance can be made as a distributed architecture. b) Use Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration to Minimize Latency Caused by Distance - Use this tool to compare For #2 - A hosted zone is a container for records, and records contain information about how you want to route traffic for a specific domain. As suggested above Transfer Acceleration takes advantage of the globally distributed edge locations in Amazon CloudFront. As the data arrives at an edge location, it is routed to Amazon S3 over an optimized network path. For#3 - You can look at DNS lookup time, latency, and data transfer speed using HTTP analysis tools when measuring performance In summary use S3 Transfer Acceleration and if possible design the pages to use different buckets for optimal performances. S3 and Cloud Front (CDN) will handle the rest.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you so much for your answer. As you suggested create a different bucket for different my question is "can we add multiple buckets for the same domain"? or are you suggesting to use subdomains?


There is no need to use multiple buckets or S3 transfer acceleration. Re: the "hosted zone" aspect to your question - are you referring to Route53 hosted zones? If so, you would only create one per domain name.

You haven't mentioned how much traffic you are expecting - have you checked that you will not exceed the CloudFront quotas?

Given that your content is in S3, you should be able to make good use of caching in CloudFront to handle the increased load - be sure to review your cache configuration:

The only way you can really be sure about the amount of load you can handle, and the performance under load, is to perform load testing. You could use this solution: to get started.

If you are expecting tens of Gb/s of traffic, I also recommend contacting AWS support so that they can make the service team aware.

answered 2 years ago

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