Event Bridge Rules to Filter Null fields


I am trying to filter payloads when a specific field is null (not empty string). I could not find any reference for the support of NOT condition in eb rules - with which I can write a condition e.g., [not {"fieldName": null}]

Would really appreciate if someone could help.

asked 2 months ago186 views
2 Answers

If you want events that the field is null, you should use "fieldName": [null].

If you want events that the field is not null, you should use "fieldName": [ { "anything-but": null } ].

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago
  • Hi Uri, I am getting following error while trying this solution.

    Event pattern is not valid. Reason: Value of anything-but must be an array or single string/number value.

  • My bad, sorry. It seems there is no way of doing that. If the field has a known list of values, just include them in the filter.



There is no "Not" filter, so why not try using "anything-but" instead?
I thought that by using "anything-but", it would be possible to express that "fieldName" is other than Null.

{"fieldName": [{"anything-but": null}]}
profile picture
answered 2 months ago
  • Hi Riku, thanks for adding. I do not thik anything-but supports null

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