how can I get the cost for EACH EC2 instance?


I need to get costs per EC2 how can I get it?

asked 6 months ago1824 views
4 Answers
  • Go to the AWS Management Console.
  • Open the "Cost Explorer" from the "Services" dropdown or search for "Cost Explorer."
  • In the Cost Explorer, go to the "Filters" section.
  • Under "Filter Name," select "Service" and choose "Amazon EC2."
  • Under "Filter Name," select "Instance Type" and choose the specific instance type you are interested in.

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answered 6 months ago

thanks but not show cost per instance. Per VM name...

answered 6 months ago


There are two ways:

  • You can enable Resource-level data in Cost Explorer which will give you the last 14 days of usage per resource.

  • You can set up Data Exports which will export your data to S3. You can then query the data with Athena or set up the Quicksight Dashboard. Make sure to enable the feature "Include resource IDs".

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

Hello @AE

You can follow these steps to get your per-instance charge.

Open Cost Explorer – Monthly Cost by Service

--> Granularity = Monthly --> Dimension - Resource --> Service = EC2-Instances (Elastic Compute Cloud – Compute) --> EC2-Instances = Select the instance id that you wish to visualize in the report.


profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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