Limit IPs that can access an Elastic Beanstalk ALB listern or process


Our Elastic Beanstalk application has a three listeners 80 and 443 which forward to the default process that runs our web app, and another port that runs a monitoring app on a different port. I'd like to restrict which IPs can access the port of the monitoring app.

What's the best way to do this? Elastic Beanstalk makes the security group assigned to the ALB and it sets the allowed sources for the port of the monitoring app to I can manually go in there and change it but I don't want to do that b/c then it will get blown away when I update our EB config laster.

I'm hoping for a solution that works well with EB and doesn't get blown away when the environment gets rebuilt.

Here's a bit of the relevant config for context
    AccessLogsS3Bucket: null
    AccessLogsS3Enabled: 'false'
    AccessLogsS3Prefix: null
    IdleTimeout: null
    SecurityGroups: sg-xxxx
    DefaultProcess: someprocess
    ListenerEnabled: 'true'
    Protocol: HTTPS
    Rules: null
    SSLCertificateArns: xxxx
    SSLPolicy: null
    DeregistrationDelay: '20'
    HealthCheckInterval: '15'
    HealthCheckPath: /
    HealthCheckTimeout: '5'
    HealthyThresholdCount: '3'
    MatcherHTTPCode: '200'
    Port: 'xxxx'
    Protocol: HTTP
    StickinessEnabled: 'false'
    StickinessLBCookieDuration: '86400'
    StickinessType: lb_cookie
    UnhealthyThresholdCount: '5'
asked 2 months ago153 views
1 Answer

To restrict IP access to a specific port on your Elastic Beanstalk's ALB:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon EC2 console, select your Load Balancer, and go to the Security tab to edit its security groups.
  2. Add a new rule to allow access only from your desired IPs to the specific port your monitoring app uses.

Remember, security groups function as a virtual firewall, controlling inbound and outbound traffic to your ALB. By setting specific inbound rules, you can limit access to your application on a per-port basis.

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answered 2 months ago

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