Route 53 not responding CNAME and SRV in query for registered domains.



I have registered domains through Route 53 and all records are working except CNAME and SRV. When I run Test Record, shows no error. DNS response code No Error Protocol UDP

If run dig command I don't get it and for other WHOIS and mxtoolbox

asked a month ago146 views
1 Answer

Here are a few suggestions that may help troubleshoot:

  • Double check that the CNAME and SRV records are configured correctly in the Route 53 console. Make sure the name and type match what you are querying for.

  • Verify the NS and SOA records are configured properly so the domains are delegated correctly to Route 53.

  • Check if there are any firewalls, security groups or ACLs that may be blocking access to Route 53 for those record types.

  • Try querying the CNAME and SRV records from different networks and locations to see if it is an localized issue.

  • You can also try tools like to generate queries and debug DNS issues.

Also, consider

  • Propagation Time: Changes may take time to spread globally.

  • TTL: Ensure TTL isn't set too high, delaying changes.

  • Query DNS: Use tools like dig +trace to trace resolution paths.

  • Resolver: Confirm your DNS resolver isn't causing issues.

  • Firewall/Network: Check for any blocks on DNS traffic.

  • DNSSEC: Verify DNSSEC configurations if enabled.

answered a month ago

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