AWS ACM Certificate delete issue


The current certificate associated with the ALB has expired. I renewed it and associated it with the ALB using the new ARN. When I browse the URL, it still shows an old, expired certificate. I was not able to delete it as well since the status is still "In use". I tried via CLI as well, but no luck.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I was not able to delete it as well since the status is still "In use"

If you did this in the AWS Console a dialog would have popped up advising of which resource(s) still have the cert attached.

This may well include the load-balancer that the cert was originally attached to (even though it's expired it won't be automatically dissociated).

Check that only the new, active cert is associated with the load balancer.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • In the ALB it had old ARN, I used the new ARN after I imported the new certificate into the ACM. In the ACM, it now has 2 certificates one is expired and the other is Active. I was not able to delete the expired one. And the browser still shows the expired certificate.

  • When you tried to delete the old cert in ACM, it would have popped up a message saying that the cert is still in use, and given you a list of resource(s) with which the cert is still associated.

    You need to dissociate the old cert from these resource(s). The steps to dissociate a cert from a load balancer are here

    This will probbaly also solve the issue in your browser, as now there should only be the new cert associated with the load balancer.

  • Yes, it popped a message. Both old & new cert shows the same ALB resource in the ACM.

  • You need to remove the old cert from the ALB, see the link in my previous comment.

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