Error upgrading MySQL aurora from 5.7 to 8.0


Hello, I am attempting to upgrade my MySQL Aurora cluster from 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.4 to 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.1 and running into the following error during the pre upgrade check. I first tried upgrading using the blue/green deployment method and also by snapshot method and both failed.

"id": "removedSysLogVars", "title": "Removed system variables for error logging to the system log configuration", "status": "CONFIGURATION_ERROR", "description": "To run this check requires full path to MySQL server configuration file to be specified at 'configPath' key of options dictionary", "documentationLink": ""


asked 2 months ago211 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

I understand you are facing error while upgrading your Aurora MySQL 2 to Aurora MySQL 3.

Regarding the 3 errors shared by you, these are common error messages and I will be attaching documentation supporting that they can be ignored.

Within the documentation 1, you can find the CONFIGURATION_ERROR messages that you are receiving. The document states that "You always receive some messages with this CONFIGURATION_ERROR status, whether or not the variable changes have any effect on your database." Therefore, you do not need to take any action to fix these. These messages exist as Aurora uses parameter group mechanism instead of physical configured file to update default values or remove unsupported variables.

For more info on the meaning of each of these errors.

  1. removedSysLogVars This error occurs when the pre-upgrade check has detected that some of the log configuration settings have been deprecated or removed in the version you are upgrading to.

  2. removedSysVars This error is thrown when certain system variables are longer supported in the version you are upgrading to.

  3. sysVarsNewDefaults This error is thrown when you are trying to upgrade your instance to a version that has different default values for certain system variables compared to your current version.

Since RDS is a managed service, many of these configuration changes are out of your control and managed by AWS, so with that said. There is no need to worry about these errors. Only Errors (not Configuration_errors) will cause the upgrade to fail.

Hence, I would recommend you to check the summary of the precheck and check the “errorCount” in the summary to understand if there are any errors or not and work on the same.

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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