Increaese instance bandwidth without changing instance type?


Hi, We have a manual setup redis ec2 instance that is maxing out the baseline bandwidth allocated for the instance, but we do not need higher CPU/Mem for the instance, what are our options? We aren't able to use ElasticCache it does not fit our budget range.

ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-98:~$ ethtool -S ens5
NIC statistics:
     tx_timeout: 0
     suspend: 0
     resume: 0
     wd_expired: 0
     interface_up: 2
     interface_down: 1
     admin_q_pause: 0
     bw_in_allowance_exceeded: 333
     bw_out_allowance_exceeded: 303473

Also, there seems to be not where to lookup what this invisible network "credit balance" unlikely CPU, EBS disk balance?

asked 2 years ago1443 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The available network bandwidth of an instance depends on the number of vCPUs that it has. The EC2 user guide has links describing the performance of different instance types.

You could also consider scaling horizontally, by adding an instance. This would also give you an opportunity to use multiple availability zones and remove a single point of failure.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi, yes, we have considered all of these, and would like to avoid doubling the current cost with the horizontal scaling since the only bottleneck is the network bandwidth.

    Additionally, there seems to be no way to see the network bandwidth credit stats unlikely the CPU or disk credits?

  • There is no way to change the network bandwidth without increasing the instance size.

    You could review the link above to see if there is a similar instance size that offers more bandwidth. For example, a T3 instead of a T2.

  • We have now split the traffic to two servers now and yet still observing

         bw_in_allowance_exceeded: 31
         bw_out_allowance_exceeded: 10012

    While we are maximum less than 250Mbps on a .5Gbps baseline on each machine, this doesn't make much sense...

  • I have a pretty similar question over here with some interesting analysis if you're interested:

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