Cannot successfully launch test instance in AWS MGN - Windows STOP error on boot


In AWS MGN I have a source server which has completed initial sync and is "Ready for testing". When I do "Launch test instance" the job completes successfully and the EC2 instance gets created, however it won't successfully start.

The source server is Windows 2003 32-bit. It seems to be stuck in a reboot loop but after fiddling about a bit I managed to get something displayed on "get instance screenshot" and it was a Windows BSOD "STOP 0x7B" error. From Googling and long-buried memories of managing Windows Servers, I think this is related to storage - possibly missing drivers.

The instance type is t2.medium which as far as I'm aware is 32-bit compatible. From my research I think the only 32-bit compatible, 4GB instance types are t2.medium, c3.large and m1.medium, however of those only t2.medium is available in London.

Is it worth trying one of the other instance type in a different Region? Or are there any storage drivers I can install on the source server so they are in place after migration?

asked 10 months ago669 views
1 Answer


Thank you for getting back to us.

In order to see what caused the failure, you would need to check the memory dump logs located at "%SystemRoot%\Memory. dmp". Also, you will have to review the driver logs located at %SystemRoot%\inf\ I dont think trying other instance type will help in this case, but worth trying the same.

If you still need help, you can reach out to support teams via your Support Center: .

answered 10 months ago

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