s3 mount point, mount non-empty directory


Hello, is it possible to mount a folder that is not empty with s3 mount point? I can't find related information. This is the error I get: use: mountpoint is not empty fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option Error: Failed to create FUSE session

Caused by: No such file or directory (os error 2) Error: Failed to create mount process

asked 2 months ago709 views
1 Answer

To resolve the first issue and mount your S3 bucket to a non-empty directory, you should modify your mount command to include the nonempty option.

For the second issue, ensure that the path you are trying to mount to actually exists on your filesystem. If the path is correct, review your mount command for any typos or configuration errors.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I don't see that the mount-s3 service has that option:

    Usage: mount-s3 <BUCKET_NAME|DIRECTORY|--prefix <PREFIX>|--region <REGION>|--endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL>|--force-path-style|--transfer-acceleration|--dual-stack|--requester-pays|--bucket-type <BUCKET_TYPE>|--no-sign-request|--profile <PROFILE>|--read-only|--storage-class <STORAGE_CLASS>|--allow-delete|--allow-overwrite|--auto-unmount|--allow-root|--allow-other|--maximum-throughput-gbps <N>|--max-threads <N>|--part-size <PART_SIZE>|--uid <UID>|--gid<GID>|--dir-mode <DIR_MODE>|--file-mode <FILE_MODE>|--foreground|--expected-bucket-owner <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>|--log-directory <DIRECTORY>|--log-metrics|--debug|--debug-crt|--no-log|--cache <DIRECTORY>|--metadata-ttl <SECONDS>|--max-cache-size <MiB>|--user-agent-prefix <PREFIX>>

  • you might consider alternative methods or tools for mounting S3 buckets, such as s3fs-fuse, which supports the nonempty option. With s3fs-fuse, you can typically add the nonempty option to the mount command like so:

    s3fs yourbucketname /path/to/mountpoint -o nonempty

    Make sure to replace yourbucketname with your actual S3 bucket name and /path/to/mountpoint with your desired mount point.

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