Confusing documentation of aws organization and account management


Hi In the organization quotas doc Number of AWS accounts in an organization is said to be 10, but some rows belower Number of member accounts you can close in a 30-day period is at the range of 1k. How could it be possible? Is there any meaningful difference between AWS and member account? What's the max number of member accounts so? And when one of my created users inside my account create an organization, what will be the management account of the organization?

asked 4 months ago141 views
1 Answer


The default value is 10.
In other words, you can increase the number of accounts by applying for AWS service quotas.

If you want to increase the number of AWS accounts, you can do so by following the steps in the document below.

10 — The default maximum number of accounts allowed in an organization. If you need more, you can request an increase by using the Service Quotas console. An invitation sent to an account counts against this quota. The count is returned if the invited account declines, the management account cancels the invitation, or the invitation expires.

Newly created accounts and organizations may experience a quota below the default of 10 accounts.

And when one of my created users inside my account create an organization, what will be the management account of the organization?

So, when you enable Organizations on your AWS account, you will initially be able to create 10 AWS accounts.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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