EC2 virtual machines with virtual audio devices when headless (no remote desktop)


Hello, I work for a VR company and want to use amazon windows EC2 instances to test our clients and servers at scale. Our client requires both a playback and recording device with 48000 Hz 2 channel frequency in order to function properly. My question is, is there a way to configure an AWS Windows EC2 AMI such that it has audio drivers (virtual or otherwise) when operating headless (without a remote desktop connection)? Please let me know if you need any more information from me.

asked 2 years ago307 views
1 Answer

Hi, hope you are well

For you to install and configure drivers you must connect to the instance using the options below:

You can connect to your windows instance using SSM[1] and update drivers[1]

You can create an windows AMI using sysrep[2]

answered 2 years ago

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