What is the behavior of lifecycle deletes if a lifecycle event notification fails to publish to SNS?


If I setup Lifecycle event notifications on a bucket and a notification fails to publish to sns does it retry the notification request forever or does it drop the notification? (best effort vs guranteed delivery)

Also if it does retry forever, does that mean a lifecycle action (for example object expiration delete) is denied/blocked until after the notification is successfully published to sns?

Is there a way for me to test this to confirm the bahvior?

1 Answer


Please, read https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34238446/are-aws-s3-event-notifications-guaranteed-to-be-delivered in details to the end.

It details how current philosophy of "at least once" (see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/EventNotifications.html) evolved from "at most once".



profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  • I remember reading this post, but the discussion seemed a bit inconclusive. Is there a more detailed source/documentation available?

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