Not refund/rescheduled for cancelled AWS exam


Hi Amazon team,

While giving the exam on 25 Feb 2024, Sunday at 8.15PM IST of AWS SAA-C03), I was giving the exam from Pearson Vue. I used my passport as my identification proof. It was told that my Id was not clear and exam was cancelled at the time and a case was raised CASEID-10981864. Later it was told that I should reschedule my exam with applicable fee and no refund or reschedule will be given for the cancelled exam from pearson Vue side and asked to reach out to AWS support for further assistance. I also mailed many time to AWS Support to assist but no response , so I was not able to perform exam. I have been provided with due date for exam from my organisation. So I request you to re-schedule the exam or initiate a refund soon so that I could proceed further.

Thanks and Regards, Kokhila

asked 3 months ago145 views
1 Answer

It will be rare that someone from AWS will ever reply to this kind of things. You may do the following:

  • Contact Pearson Vue: Reach out to Pearson Vue customer support and explain the situation. They may be able to provide assistance or escalate your case for further review.
  • Follow Up with AWS Support: Continue to follow up with AWS Support regarding your case. Make sure to provide all relevant details and documentation to support your request for a reschedule or refund.
  • Check for Updates: Keep an eye on your email and any communication channels for updates from Pearson Vue or AWS Support regarding your case.
  • Consider Alternative Options: If necessary, explore alternative options for taking the exam, such as scheduling with a different testing center or platform.
  • Escalate if Necessary: If you're not getting a satisfactory resolution, consider escalating your case with both Pearson Vue and AWS Support to higher levels of management or authority.
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answered 3 months ago

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