WorkSpace WSP logs filling up C:\ drive to the point of causing them to be Unhealthy


Running into an issue lately where our WorkSpaces are becoming Unhealthy and are unable to reboot.

We have found that C:\ProgramData\Amazon\WSP is chocked full of logs, like GBs of various json logs, which leads to C:\ drive not having the space to install updates and such, causing inability to reboot until the files are removed (which requires admin to RDP in and do it)

Any risk in removing these files in this directory?

Any way these can be cleaned up automatically without having to setup our own PS job or some such?

I understand we can also increase the C:\ volume but that just delays the problem. Also understand there's possibly other files taking up space, but these files seemed excessive.

Any help appreciated.

asked a year ago427 views
1 Answer


Thank you for using Amazon WorkSpaces.

I understand that large log files are being generated in the C:\ProgramData\Amazon\WSP folder, which are consuming your available space on your C:\ drive.

Please allow me to inform you that our internal teams are currently working on this issue, which is already known to us. Please see the temporary workaround below.

Q) Any risk in removing these files in this directory?
As these are merely the log files, there are no actual risks in removing them.
Q) Any way these can be cleaned up automatically without having to setup our own PS job or some such?

Be assured that our internal team is actively working on this, but I am unable to provide an ETA on when exactly this issue will be fixed. Please use the following workaround for the time being.

	1. Clear the log folder to remove the existing log files 

	    a. For Windows - run the following in cmd.

	        schtasks.exe /Create /RU SYSTEM /NP /RL HIGHEST /TN "WSPMetricsCleanup" /SC "hourly" /TR "powershell.exe -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command 'Get-ChildItem C:/ProgramData/Amazon/WSP | where-object {$_.length -gt 10000000} | foreach { Remove-Item $_.fullname -Force -Recurse; }'"

	     b. This command will create a Windows Task to cleanup metrics that are bloating the WSP logs folder on an hourly basis.

	2. Restart WSP host agent service on the WorkSpace

	    a. For Windows - run the following in either cmd or powershell.
	        powershell -command "Restart-Service dcvserver -Force"

	3. Connect to your WorkSpaces using TCP transport protocol instead of QUIC/UDP connection. 

	    a. On your Windows or Mac WorkSpaces client, go to *Settings*→ *Manage Connection Settings*; select *Use TCP transport protocol only*  
	    b. No action is needed if you use WorkSpaces Web Access as your client 
	    c. If you don’t or can’t perform this step (i.e. due to network restrictions), the issue may reoccur. In that case, please repeat steps 1 and 2.  

Hope it helps!!

Thank you!

answered a year ago

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