I am using aws as learning. But i have no knowledge about billing. suddenly i saw aws billing dashboard Amount USD 118 is charge please remove this amount because i am a student. I have no money to p


I am using aws as learning. But i have no knowledge about billing. suddenly i saw aws billing dashboard Amount USD 118 is charge please remove this amount because i am a student. I have no money to pay this amount

asked 2 months ago132 views
2 Answers


Services in AWS Cost money to use. Before you start using a service, it is advised to check out its pricing page or use the Pricing Calculator. https://calculator.aws

However, you should delete the resources that incurred a cost now. The Cost Explorer in the Billing and Cost Management console shows which resources incurred a cost.

In your case, you can sign up for a student account and get some free credits. Maybe that will help.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

First, Delete all resources you used. Open Support Services and open Ticket with support under Account & Billing and Submit a request to them to solve the billing problem and provide them with proof that you are a student now.

Before use any services again use Pricing Calculator https://calculator.aws If you open account you have 1 year free tier for recourses and specific requirements you can review them from here: https://aws.amazon.com/free/

answered 2 months ago

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