IoT Greengrass protocol


Hi, I will run greengrass in an Embedded Linux environment. There is an application in a Linux environment, and this application and greengrass must be able to communicate with each other. Applications cannot communicate with MQTT.

What protocol should I use? And how can I implement it?

Thank you.

  • Could you clarify more on how you'd like your application to communicate with Greengrass?

    • If your application runs as a Greengrass component, you can communicate using pubsub mechanism offered by Greengrass for local messaging between the components.
    • Otherwise, you can create a Greengrass component that relays communication between your application and Greengrass.
  • Hello. The application was not deployed with greengrass; it is an independent application. I need a way for the application and greengrass to communicate.

asked 6 months ago484 views
1 Answer

Hi, we offer Greengrass IPC for communication between greengrass components, please checkout this guide: If you need to communicate between processes which are not Greengrass components or cannot use Greengrass IPC, then, please use existing IPC solutions for linux

answered 6 months ago
  • Hi. Are you talking about Linux IPCs like pipes, queues, and sockets?

  • Basically yes. Greengrass offers our IPC which is linked in the answer above; it is usable by any Greengrass component. If you cannot use that then you would need to solve your problem on your own. We'd recommend using well proven existing solutions.

  • Thank you for your answer. I have one more question. When greengrass and applications communicate, can they deliver data to IoT Core using HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP other than MQTT? If that's possible, can you give me related data?

  • IoT Core is MQTT, why can't you use MQTT? Greengrass requires an MQTT connection to IoT Core over the internet to work.

    If you want to use something else you can certainly do that to. Greengrass is incredibly simple, it is just executing the code that you tell it to run. Your code is free to do anything at all. It can upload data to S3 or anything else that exists.

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