How to Display Decimal Values with 3 Decimal Places in Athena Table from Integer JSON Data Stored in S3?


I have JSON data stored in an S3 bucket, and I'm creating an Athena table to query this data. One of the columns in the JSON represents monetary values stored as integers (e.g., 1000 represents $10.00). I need to display these values in my Athena table with three decimal places (e.g., 1000 should be displayed as $10.000). Is there a way to achieve this directly in the DDL (Data Definition Language) when creating the Athena table, perhaps by dividing the integer values by 100? Any insights or examples would be greatly appreciated.

i tried it with decimal data type of athena like decimal(4,2) but it add .00 to the end of every integer

asked 2 months ago221 views
1 Answer

You can use the CAST function in combination with division. Since functions in Athena engine version 3 are based on Trino, it supports casting data types.

💡 When querying the data, you can cast the integer values to a decimal type and divide by 100 to get the correct monetary value with three decimal places.

    SELECT id, CAST(amount AS DECIMAL(18, 3)) / 100.0 AS formatted_amount
    FROM your_table;

In this query, amount is the column containing the integer monetary values. By casting it to DECIMAL(18, 3), you're specifying a decimal type with 18 digits of precision and 3 decimal places. Dividing by 100.0 converts the integer values to their correct decimal representation (e.g., 1000 becomes 10.000).

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answered 2 months ago
  • Is there any functionality that it can be done in DDL i mean while table creation?

  • I have 60 column and more than 30 column are in this format so i want that it should be handle while creating the table like i specified at that time no of decimal in the integer

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