MWAA (2.5.1) Cannot install snowflake-connector-python


I am encountering difficulties installing the snowflake-connector-python package in my AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) private web server environment. When attempting to install the package, I receive the following error message:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement snowflake-connector-python (from versions: none)

To provide some context, I have included the snowflake-connector-python wheel file snowflake_connector_python-2.9.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl in my file, which I assume would allow pip to find and install the package. However, it seems that pip is unable to locate the suitable version of the package in the available package indexes.

Please advise on how to proceed with resolving this issue and successfully installing the snowflake-connector-python package in my MWAA private web server environment. Any insights or suggestions from the community would be highly appreciated.

asked 10 months ago341 views
1 Answer

When running MWAA in private web mode, it seems the web servers cannot reach out to python repos to pull deps. My other MWAA components running in my VPC can so it looks like they grab deps as needed but the webservers timeout on pulls since they run in a AWS managed service VPC (i think). When I ran through this: and built the wheels into the, it did work. You can check the requirements file in the log streams for the web server to see if thats whats failing or not.

answered 9 months ago

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